A big warm thank you to everyone who sent a story or a link to help Fortean Belper contribute something to Halloween this peculiar Autumn. Weeks ago, we had started preparing two proper ghost stories. We dropped one early on, then the second had to be pulled just a couple of days ago. It is important to maintain a high standard of ethics in this field, but that doesn’t give us a harmless shudder for Halloween! So, here is a spooky buffet of bits and pieces gathered together for your entertainment. Thanks again for the help, you know who you are…
Ghosts on the Syllabus In 2016, a commercial ghost hunt was held in Strutt’s. Participants looked for evidence of spirits in several different rooms, and may have communicated with a teacher who was just not ready to leave. Some people believe that an old Headteacher is still there as well.
Another Kind of Spirit The excellent White Peak Distillery, just outside Ambergate has a resident ghost which moves things around in the old outbuildings.
The George and Dragon Possibly Belper’s number one spooky spot; hauntings in this historic hotel have been well documented by Derby’s own Richard Felix. There is something nasty in the cellar and you never know who you might meet upstairs. Today, Belper and Proud has a video of Richard Felix visiting the pub, and that is worth a look. So is landlord Craig’s wonderful video clip, which you might be able to find on Facebook.
Castle Ghosts Riber Castle (built in 1862) certainly looks like it ought to be haunted, and if the stories are true, a blue lady wanders through it and a military type marches through it.
The Dead Centre of Belper In the summer of 1903, a rumour was spread that people had started seeing a ghost in Belper Cemetery. Within about a week, thousands of people had been to have a look for themselves. It was said to be the ghost of a woman who did not like the way she had been buried. If you can add to this collection, please do! The best way to get in touch is to email [email protected].